These topics help you use the powerful reporting functionality in Wurk to sort and filter data, create charts, customize dashboards, and share information with your team.

What is a Report?

Every list view (anything that looks like a list of records with the blue bar across the top) in Wurk is considered a report, that you can customize, save, and export. This can save you time when you check the same information repeatedly and you need it sorted, filtered, and displayed in a particular way.

To customize these views for yourself, you start with a standard view and work with the data options to tailor it to your needs and then save it as a customized report. The reports you customize can be saved under My Info>My Reports. For example, you may want to see your timesheets sorted by Pay Period and filtered by Overtime Hours. In this case, you would create a custom report of the My Time screen with a special view and filter, and you would save this report so you can check it again later. If you are a Manager, you can see examples of the standard reports available to authorized users under My Team>Reports, HR>Reports, and Payroll>Reports. You can customize these for yourself and save them for later use. Once you customize and save a report, finally, you can set it to display a Chart view that you can then add to your dashboards.

What is a Dashboard?

Wurk provides the main dashboard with tabs along the top for each module where you have permissions. A dashboard contains widgets with summary information and links to drill down to more details. You navigate to the main Wurk dashboards from the main menu (wherever you see Dashboard as a sub-link) and from the Home page (just click Home at the bottom of the main menu). The Team Time Dashboard, for example, summarizes time entries and trends for people who report to you if you are a manager.

If your company has built you a custom dashboard, you can navigate to it at bottom of the Main Menu (click Dashboard). You can also configure your own dashboards by building your own reports and then saving them as charts. Your Administrator or manager can also do this for you and then share the dashboard with you. If you need help with this, you or your Administrator should contact your Wurk Account Manager.

In this section…

Customizing List Views or Reports

Creating Charts from Reports

Sharing Reports

Filtering Reports

Hooking Report Charts to Dashboards

Sharing Dashboards

Viewing the Manager Dashboard

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